Ellen G. White Prophet for Today?
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Ellen G. White's Beliefs Enumerated

Eschatology: The Millennium   Ellen White's eschatology was most definitely pre-millennial. She believed in a millennium composed of a literal 1000 years, immediately preceded by a literal second coming of Christ. However, her view of what takes place during the millennium was somewhat different from that of many evangelicals. See if you think her views were biblical or not.

Hell & Eternal Torment   Ellen White most certainly believed in hell, but she also firmly believed in John 3:16. For this reason and others, her understanding of hell was more like that of Isaac Watts and seventeenth-century General Baptists than that of John Calvin. See what you think of her views.

The Infallible Word of God   Ellen White repeatedly referred to the Bible as being infallible. At the same time, she was unsparing in her opposition to "higher criticism." To her, God had inspired the Bible writers with divine thoughts, which they then put into their own words. It was therefore her contention that the thoughts expressed by the words of Scripture were true.

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