Ellen G. White Prophet for Today?
We Analyze, You Decide!
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Today's Highlights Sat., Jul. 27, 2024
Criticism Spotlight
"Myth #2: Mrs. White wrote Steps to Christ"   Critics charge that Fannie Bolton wrote Steps to Christ, "plagiarizing" from other Christian writers in the process. Using the information the critics themselves provide, discover for yourself the truth behind this one. See if you end up as surprised as we were.

"Contradiction #1: Plan of Salvation 'Devised' After the Fall"
 "Ellen White Contradicted Herself by Wearing Jewelry"
Was Desire of Ages plagiarized?

Insightful Info
Cancer Caused by Dormant Oncogenes   In 1864 Ellen G. White wrote of something that could lie dormant in the body one's whole life, but which through some sort of irritation, could become actively cancerous. In 1976 two scientists established that dormant oncogenes in cells can cause cancer if they become activated through environmental factors or viruses.

The Possibility of Genetic Engineering
 Why More Hurricanes Now?
Zinc Stored in the Brain

Her Beliefs
The Infallible Word of God   Ellen White repeatedly referred to the Bible as being infallible. At the same time, she was unsparing in her opposition to "higher criticism." To her, God had inspired the Bible writers with divine thoughts, which they then put into their own words. It was therefore her contention that the thoughts expressed by the words of Scripture were true.

Eschatology: The Millennium
Hell & Eternal Torment

Quote for Today (How we select)
    "'Come unto Me,' is His invitation. Whatever your anxieties and trials, spread out your case before the Lord. Your spirit will be braced for endurance. The way will be opened for you to disentangle yourself from embarrassment and difficulty. The weaker and more helpless you know yourself to be, the stronger will you become in His strength. The heavier your burdens, the more blessed the rest in casting them upon the Burden Bearer. The rest that Christ offers depends upon conditions, but these conditions are plainly specified. They are those with which all can comply. He tells us just how His rest is to be found."
(Desire of Ages 329)
True?   False?   Don't Know?  
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Fulfilled or Fallacy?
Slavery Revived at the End of Time   It might sound odd, but Ellen G. White predicted that slavery would be revived again. Could it ever happen? Actually, President George Bush thinks it already has. He and his State Department are doing what they can to combat a slave trade today that is larger than it ever was in yesteryear.

Mad Cow Disease
 Scientists: What Causes Hurricanes Like Katrina?
Two World Wars Predicted

About Her Visions
A Stone Mason Couldn't Bend Her Arm   John Loughborough tells the story about the time when his neighbor, Mr. Diagneau, was over at his house while Ellen White was having a vision. Mr. Diagneau, a stone mason, tried to bend Mrs. White's arm. Read what he had to say about his experience.

 Angelic Influence Illustrated: Colt Tamed
Secret Thoughts & the 7th Commandment
A Spirit Medium Flees Away

Life Sketch Snippet
Removal to Michigan   From the time we moved to Battle Creek, the Lord began to turn our captivity. We found sympathizing friends in Michigan, who were ready to share our burdens and supply our wants. Old, tried friends in central New York and New England, especially in Vermont, sympathized with us in our afflictions, and were ready to assist us in time of distress.   [more]

An Unfortunate Accident During Her Childhood
Removal to Michigan
 James' Stroke

Featured Book
Sketches From The Life of Paul   Chapter 25: Arrival at Rome. "With the opening of navigation, the centurion and his prisoners again set out on their journey. An Alexandrian ship, the Castor and Pollux, had wintered at Melita, on her way to Rome, and in this the travelers embarked. Though somewhat delayed by contrary winds, the voyage was safely accomplished, and the ship cast anchor in the beautiful ..."

Christ's Object Lessons
Steps to Christ
The Story of Patriarchs and Prophets

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