Ellen G. White
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The Visions of Ellen White
On this page you'll find links to eyewitness accounts dealing with three different
aspects of Ellen White's visions: 1) The supernatural phenomena that attended her visions.
2) The depiction in these visions of things that no one knew anything about. 3)
The timely counsel contained in these visions that helped
the recipients of that counsel avoid some embarrassing situations.
Eyewitness Descriptions of Supernatural Phenomena
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Angelic Influence Illustrated: Colt Tamed While traveling to Poland Maine in a wagon drawn by a dangerous, partly-broken colt, Ellen White had
a vision. During this vision the colt stayed perfectly still, though James hit it quite hard, and though
Ellen put her hand on its flank. The colt was "completely tame" from that point onward. |
| "I Am Quite Certain That She Did Not Breathe" Dr. Merrit G. Kellogg describes how Ellen White while in vision did not breathe.
He cites the evaluation of a Dr. Drummond who was present at a vision that he witnessed.
Also included on this page are the eyewitness accounts of D. H. Lamson, Drusilla Lamson,
David Seeley, and the Fowlers. |
"I Held Her Thus with My Hand About Ten Minutes, Long Enough for Her to Suffocate" Five more share what they saw regarding her not breathing while
in vision. Daniel Bourdeau describes how he
put his hand over Ellen White's mouth and pinched her nose shut for ten minutes.
Yet this did not affect her in the least. |
| No Breathing for 30 Minutes John Loughborough describes the first vision of Ellen White that
he ever witnessed, and how she did not breathe for about 30 minutes during it.
He also relates how at that time Oswald Stowell was healed of pleurisy. |
"None of the Disgusting Grimaces or Contortions Which Usually Attend Spiritualist Mediums" George Butler adds his testimony, describing the various phenomena that occurred
during Ellen White's visions. He adds that, unlike the spiritualist mediums, her demeanor in vision was
"calm, dignified, and impressive, her very appearance strikes the beholder with reverence
and solemnity." |
| A Spirit Medium Flees Away John Loughborough recounts the time when Ellen White had a vision
in Parkville, Michigan. A spirit medium who had earlier boasted that he could bring
her out of vision in one minute, when coming forward to examine her, decided instead
to flee the scene. Loughborough gives what he believes to be a Bible parallel of this
event. |
A Stone Mason Couldn't Bend Her Arm John Loughborough tells the story about the time when
his neighbor, Mr. Diagneau, was over at his house while Ellen White was having a vision.
Mr. Diagneau, a stone mason, tried to bend Mrs. White's arm. Read what
he had to say about his experience. |
Eyewitness Accounts of Secrets Revealed
Eyewitness Accounts of Timely Counsel
The above page was found at https://www.TruthOrFables.net/visions.htm on January 16, 2025.
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