John Loughborough—White Estate. |
Stone Mason Couldn't Bend Her Arm
by John Loughborough
In October of this year [1862], Moses Hull, who was considered a
good debater, held a discussion in Paw Paw, Mich. with a noted
Spiritualist named Jamieson. At that time Hull partially fell
under the influence of satanic delusion. On Nov. 5, several
persons assembled at my home to talk with him. At the close
of the interview, we had a prayer season, and while in a kneeling
posture, Mrs. White was taken off in vision. Some of the things
she saw at this time are recorded in Testimonies, vol. 1, page
My next-door neighbor, Mr. Diagneau, had never before seen
her in vision, and so used many tests to satisfy himself that
she did not breathe, that she knew nothing of what transpired
around her, and that she was controlled by a superior power.
Mr. Diagneau was a strong man, a stone mason. While in vision
Mrs. White would clasp her hands together upon her chest, and
he could not by the utmost exertion raise one finger sufficiently
to get his thumb and finger between her finger and hand. Almost
the next moment she would unclasp her hands and gracefully move
her arm and hand toward the subject she seemed to be viewing.
While her arm was extended, Elder White said, "Brother Diagneau,
that looks like an easy motion, and as though you, a strong man,
could easily bend her arm. You can try it if you wish." He
then placed his knee in the bend of her elbow, and taking hold
of the extended hand with both his hands, pulled backward with
all his might without bending it in the least. He commented,
"I would as soon try to bend an iron bar as that arm." Before
he had closed the sentence, her arm passed gracefully back to
her chest, but with a force that slid his feet on the floor while
trying to resist. He at once admitted that there was superhuman
strength connected with the vision, for he well knew Mrs. White
to be a woman of delicate health.
(Miracles in My Life, pages 58, 59.)