Ellen White writing

The Ellen White Research Project: Exposing the Subtle Attack on the Bible's Authority
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Today's Highlights Thu., Feb. 13, 2025
Criticism Spotlight
Ellen White Copied Her Chapter Titles from Edersheim . . . or Was It Vice Versa?   Ellen White has been accused of copying chapter titles for Patriarchs and Prophets from books by Alfred Edersheim. Yet since those same titles are found in books Ellen White wrote 12 years before Edersheim wrote his, one is left to wonder if this case of plagiarism might be the other way around. Take a look and see what you think.

 "Ellen White Contradicted Herself by Wearing Jewelry"
Family Planning: a "Hypocritical Liar"?
Top Critic Nixes Plagiarism Charge

Insightful Info
Zinc Deficiency: A Multitude of Diseases   Ellen White identified a host of diseases resulting from a practice she called "secret vice." It is now known that the very diseases she mentioned result from zinc deficiency, a deficiency associated with "secret vice."

The Jews Expected a Divine Messiah
Lawlessness in New Orleans
 Why More Hurricanes Now?

Her Beliefs
Hell & Eternal Torment   Ellen White most certainly believed in hell, but she also firmly believed in John 3:16. For this reason and others, her understanding of hell was more like that of Isaac Watts and seventeenth-century General Baptists than that of John Calvin. See what you think of her views.

Eschatology: The Millennium
 The Infallible Word of God

Quote for Today (How we select)
    "The greatest want of the world is the want of men—men who will not be bought or sold, men who in their inmost souls are true and honest, men who do not fear to call sin by its right name, men whose conscience is as true to duty as the needle to the pole, men who will stand for the right though the heavens fall."
(Education 57)
True?   False?   Don't Know?  
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Fulfilled or Fallacy?
Two World Wars Predicted   During the Civil War, Mrs. White had a vision in which she saw two world wars separated by a little time of peace. Lucky guess or an actual fulfillment of a prediction? Here's the facts; you decide.

Mad Cow Disease
 Scientists: What Causes Hurricanes Like Katrina?
Some of Her Critics Would Eventually Doubt the Bible

About Her Visions
A Spirit Medium Flees Away   John Loughborough recounts the time when Ellen White had a vision in Parkville, Michigan. A spirit medium who had earlier boasted that he could bring her out of vision in one minute, when coming forward to examine her, decided instead to flee the scene. Loughborough gives what he believes to be a Bible parallel of this event.

 Angelic Influence Illustrated: Colt Tamed
The Characters of Two Men Described
Secret Thoughts & the 7th Commandment

Life Sketch Snippet
Her First Vision   This vision was a great encouragement to the Advent believers, for it affirmed their belief in the imminent return of Christ.   [more]

Call to Travel
Call to Travel
 James' Stroke

Featured Book
The Story of Patriarchs and Prophets   Chapter 24: The Passover. "When the demand for Israel's release had been first presented to the king of Egypt, the warning of the most terrible of the plagues had been given. Moses was directed to say to Pharaoh, 'Thus saith the Lord, Israel is My son, even My first-born: and I say unto thee, Let My son go, that he may serve Me: and if thou refuse to let him go, behold, ..."

Christ's Object Lessons
Sketches From The Life of Paul
Steps to Christ

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