Insightful Info |
Zinc Deficiency: A Multitude of Diseases Ellen White identified a host of diseases resulting from a practice
she called "secret vice." It is now known that the very diseases she mentioned
result from zinc deficiency, a deficiency associated with "secret vice." |
Her Beliefs |
Hell & Eternal Torment Ellen White most certainly believed in hell, but she also firmly believed in
John 3:16. For this reason and others, her understanding of hell was more like that of Isaac
Watts and seventeenth-century General Baptists than that of John Calvin. See what you
think of her views. |
"The greatest want
of the world is the want of men—men
who will not be bought or sold, men who in their
inmost souls are true and honest, men who do not fear
to call sin by its right name, men whose conscience is as
true to duty as the needle to the pole, men who will stand
for the right though the heavens fall." | (Education 57) |
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Fulfilled or Fallacy? |
Two World Wars Predicted During the Civil War, Mrs. White had a vision in which she saw two
world wars separated by a little time of peace.
Lucky guess or an actual fulfillment of a prediction? Here's the facts; you decide. |
About Her Visions |
A Spirit Medium Flees Away John Loughborough recounts the time when Ellen White had a vision
in Parkville, Michigan. A spirit medium who had earlier boasted that he could bring
her out of vision in one minute, when coming forward to examine her, decided instead
to flee the scene. Loughborough gives what he believes to be a Bible parallel of this
event. |